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Client Testimonials

I've worked with some amazing clients, who've achieved extraordinary things, that have changed their lives. Here are a few things they are saying about me.

Caroline Wallace.jpg

"Since having my second baby 7 months ago I have struggled with a weak core and lower back pain which made simple tasks like standing up painful. After only 5 weeks of Pilates I have noticed a huge improvement! I'm not completely fixed just yet but thankfully I have plenty of classes with Kate still to come; Wednesdays are becoming my favourite day of the week!"

Caroline Wallace


“I have been working with Kate for 2 years now as I have suffered for many years with lower back pain.  I have always enjoyed running but found as I aged the lower back discomfort was hard to shift.  Kate developed a program for me which really focused on strengthening my core and making me stronger through weights and stretching.  Through Kate's incredible knowledge, guidance and motivation I have achieved amazing results.  I never thought I would compete in any running events when I hit 50, but I entered the 10km Road Race at the World Masters Games last year and finished 4th in my age group.  I have also just competed in the 10km Dual Event on Motutapu Island and finished 1st in my age group.  I always enjoy and look forward to my PT sessions with Kate as she has a wonderful encouraging personality.  She is an absolute pleasure to work with and has always exceeded my expectations and provides exceptional value.”

Kim Morley


"I love our sessions, and I know I would slack off if I wasn't seeing Kate every week. You are great at what you do! You have really understood how important the back issue is and have totally focused on getting that right above everything else. This is perfect. You keep me focused on the critical stuff, which means I won't get injured and I will actually be able to keep going! WIN!  Secondly, I am just starting to see a slight hint of tone in my arms and legs. First time since I was a teenager. That is pretty darn rewarding. So thank you!"

Troy Sugrue


"Kate makes people feel safe. She teaches people how to push themselves without them really noticing it. She takes you out of your comfort zone but makes you feel safe while doing it. She has shown and taught me how to make this a part of my life for good."

Sian Jaquet


"I approached Kate for personal training having liked the look of her profile information on the website. After then chatting to her in person about my health issues I felt like she understood where I was coming from. I think Kate is a fabulous trainer! She is sensitive and flexible to where I am and never forced or pushed me with more than I could cope with. I felt she listened to where I was at and how I was feeling."

Annette Basal

Katie Sparks.jpg

I have learnt control, balance and discipline all whilst becoming stronger. Kate intuitively knows exactly when to challenge me and when to give me time to learn and practice.  Each Pilates session is rewarding and always leaves me feeling energised, euphoric and wanting to continue learning. Kate's teaching style is efficient, motivated and full of care and patience. I was very lucky to discover Pilates and I am even luckier to continue enjoying being taught by Kate.”

Katie Sparks

"For the first time in months, when I got out of bed this morning, I was halfway down the hallway before I realised I wasn’t in pain! I also noticed when I got home last night that my joints all felt lovely and warm and I had the best sleep I’ve had in months. I’m so encouraged by this. I loved the whole concept of pilates as you explained it both in your video and how you taught it in class. It fits with what I always hoped exercise should be – a way to blend mind and body and focus on being strong. Thank you so much. For the first time in years I’m looking forward to an exercise class!"

Dorothy Markham-Devaux (Pilates Client)

"Thanks for the great work out this morning. When I see the change in my body composition numbers, it is shocking to see how much I used to weigh and how relatively easy it has been to start getting fit again – the hardest part is starting and you’ve made it so easy – setting out the steps and providing guidance and support along the way."

Jacqui England (StrongFitWomen Group)

"Got the all clear from my consultant to return to work and he was really pleased with what I’ve achieved in 6 months due in part to you! So just wanted to thank you for the time invested in me over the last few weeks!"

Sharon Bonfield (Knee Rehab Client)

"Kate is such a motivation. She is kind and sweet and totally tough, she always pushes me beyond what I think I can do. She has a massive wealth of knowledge about exercises, nutrition and just general health. I am fitter stronger, and feel awesome I have no aches or pains and I have so much more energy than I have ever had. I had my first wedding dress fitting in August and ordered a size 12. By December it was altered to a size 8!"

Bex Costello (Back Care Personal Training client)

“Kate Saynor is an absolutely amazing PT with so much knowledge and personal experience. Lots of training options too!”

Linda Mikaere (Online Training Client)

"Kate Saynor, your workouts have helped me so much, I suffered from anxiety and health issues because of an underactive thyroid, now I am motivated and look forward to your workouts, my family join in too, I am very grateful for you and your support."

Anna Prior (StrongFitWomen Group)

"I always start things and never seem to finish or carry on but with these workouts, I find them fun and I look forward to them and I think that's why it's so easy to keep going  :) Thanks Kate you are amazing for taking the time out to help us all x"

Michelle Snowdon (StrongFitWomen Group)

"Thanks Kate, your live/recorded workouts are exactly what I have been looking for to get me back into working out. Love it. And please don’t stop. I can’t make the “lives” but know that I am on board."

Donna Maire Shields (StrongFitWomen Group)

“Your Live workouts have been amazing in keeping me motivated, even during all these bugs in our family and things so thank you”

Amanda Cara (StrongFitWomen Group)

"You're extremely patient and encouraging. Your instructions are clear and you were never intimidating or off-putting by overdoing anything. You were recommended to me by the Regional Manager of Snap fitness, Brendon because of my experience with spinal injuries and recovery."

Reuben Koks (Back Care, Weight Loss Personal Training Client)

"I chose you to be my Personal Trainer because of you Facebook post (which explained what I did and my background). You were in a competitive sport rather than someone who had done a short course based on trendy ideas. You helped me with functional fitness. 'Real world strengths' is how I’d describe Kate and the training she offers."

Kat Warner (Personal Training Client)

"Kate is motivating, clear in her communication, offers interesting program design, and passionate. I asked the manager at Snap for the most experienced PT and they recommended Kate."

Kate Southward (Back Care Personal Training Client)

"Kate helped me to build strength and endurance for my upcoming hike. I enjoyed the variety of exercise and she helped improve my technique."

Peter Baker (Personal Training Client)

"I love using Kate's online training tools. It's just like having her there with me in the gym and it's great for tracking progress. Plus it definitely helps keep me on track when I might have skipped a session in the past."

James Russell (Online Training Client)

“I am so glad I found your class when I did, my physio said this week that the Pilates is really helping with my back. She said the muscle spasms have greatly improved, in fact she said this week I could stop the acupuncture because my back is looking the best it has since the disc prolapse. Thank you so much!“

Stephanie Opperman (Pilates Client)

"Thank you so much to Kate for a wonderful six months of Pilates classes. I can honestly say that Kate's class is the first time I've really looked forward to coming to an exercise class - she was helpful and encouraging when I started and as I improved she pushed me harder - but just the right amount. It's been an absolute pleasure Kate, thanks again!”

Lydia Brewer (Pilates Client)

"I don't think I've ever enjoyed a regular exercise class as much. Kate is so enthusiastic, funny and encouraging, without being critical. She really makes everyone feel very comfortable in her classes. Kate teaches a very structured type of Pilates and gives expert direction so that if you feel like extending yourself you always have ways to refine what you're doing or make it slightly harder. But there's never any pressure, and beginners get just as much out of her classes. I'm amazed at myself, it's great to have something that's a regular part of my life and I'm seeing real benefits from it too, in my tone, strength and posture. I know that without a teacher like Kate I would have never kept it up this long!"

Beth Brewer (Pilates Client)

"Thank you, Kate! I just went out and bought a new belt and two new pairs of jeans in size 8! Finally getting back to where I was pre-children. I feel teary telling you. Thank you for listening and giving me all the tips and tools to get back into things. You’re awesome. X”

Jacqui Joliffe (StrongFitWomen Group)

+64 21 0270 4186

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